Holiday Highballs ….. better than Lowballs, right? Am I right? We at Cleveland Whiskey know a few things about Holiday Highballs.
Without reinventing the proverbial wheel, or in this case, Highball, here is a link to provide you with the definition of a Highball.
We know you’re busy. We know you love your Cleveland Whiskey and all the wonderful cocktail possibilities you can conjure up with our hooch. We love the endless possibilities too, and they truly are endless if you’re slightly creative or imaginative, as are all of us here. But we all also need to eat, and this time of year, that doesn’t mean ordering in. Sadly, it means we must cook the feast. I say sadly only because that takes away from our finite time to whip up some fancy cocktails. We love to cook. Highballs have made our gravy better, our hams juicier, and our green bean casseroles less despised. This is simply because we have learned of and utilized the highball’s ease while we are preparing the feast.
With the broad selection of our Underground Line of Bourbon Whiskey, our classic 87 and Black Reserve, Smokin’ and of course, our famed Christmas Bourbon, and the clever folks with the seasonally flavored carbonated sodas, you won’t feel blue about not having the time to dedicate to batching up some cocktails. The carbonated sodas, as we’ve illustrated with our snazzy picture, even add some holiday fun to the Highball. These ain’t the Highballs our grandparents drank. Now, get back to stirring the gravy and baking the sweet potatoes.
We are masters of the bar and the kitchen appliances. Happy Highballin’, from all of us at Cleveland Whiskey. Cheers.