
Rec2Connect Foundation Custom Barrel Benefit

Cleveland Whiskey presents The Rec2Connect Custom Barrel Benefit.

Who is Rec2Connect? They are a local Cleveland charity with the following vision:

Enhancing and enriching the lives of individuals with special needs through recreation, leisure, and sport

We created a unique blend bourbon especially for the Rec2Connect Foundation. This limited-run bourbon will only be available in the distillery and our goal is to sell out during the event! Cleveland Whiskey will donate $5 from each Rec2Connect blended bottle sold.

We will have signature cocktails, some snacks to enjoy, and of course samples. There will be a Chinese raffle featuring a Cleveland Whiskey Barrel, a Barrelhead and a Private Tour for up to 25 people and a 50/50 raffle.

We will be announcing some featured guests in the coming days, Stay tuned!

Come out and support Rec2Connect at the distillery!

Saturday Feb 16th
12 noon – 4pm

FREE, but donations at the door are appreciated and 100% go to the charity

RSVP on Facebook

At the Cleveland Whiskey Distillery in the MAGNET Building
1768 East 25th Street Cleveland OH 44114
Free Parking in the lots marked on this map (https://www.clevelandwhiskey.com/parking)
