
Bourbon & Bikinis

Remember the days when the Ice Cream Truck bell rang and the shared, contagious excitement you and your friends had as you raced to get to the truck first? Some went for the Bomb Pops, but the orange creamsicles were the best. Made my childhood. Now, as I try to “adult,” (and yes, the kids these days use it as a verb) I add bourbon. The best American bourbon and a few other ingredients to simulate the creamsicle experience in a more grown-up fashion. It still reminds me of summertime as a child, but now I’m wading in a pool, in a bikini, with a creamsicle flavored whiskey cocktail in hand.  Sunscreen has been liberally applied.

Sipping bourbon doesn’t make your hands sticky in the heat. It will make your toes tingle though.


You will need:

1 ½ oz      Cleveland Whiskey Black Reserve Bourbon
½ oz         Lemon juice
Diet Orange Vanilla Coke
Fresh Mint


  1. Shake and strain into a rocks glass packed with ice
  2. Top with Diet Orange Vanilla Coke
  3. Garnish with Fresh mint